
Powershell Deployment Script Update

Since last weeks post on automated DB and ETL deployment builds with Powershell, I’ve made a couple of small but useful changes to the Powershell script. The distinct parts of the script are now encapsulated in parameterised functions. The end goal of this is to be able to turn the main script into a Powershell Module that could be installed and used when required. So now there are three functions, GetHeadFromSVN, SyncDB and DeployPackages.

Automating DB and SSIS builds from source control

This week I’ve been working on a new branch of a data warehouse project. To make deployment to development environments easier I decided I’d attempt to get some sort of continuous integration/automated builds to our dev server up and running. Doing this sort of thing has never been particularly straightforward for database projects, but with the fantastic SQL Compare command line tools and SQL Source Control from Red Gate, this task is made so much easier.